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Trilogy Nutrition was founded in 2013 by an expert team of nutritionists, personal trainers, strength coaches and doctors – including the late legendary Strength Coach Charles Poliquin.

This group of health pioneers collectively understood the value and demand for high-quality, practitioner-grade supplements and a decade on, we’re committed to raising the standards of health and wellness for our customers.

After all, we want you to feel comfortable giving our products to your kids, as we do!


Our Mission

To enhance humanity’s health, longevity, and performance by creating medical-grade supplements containing only the highest quality raw materials whilst being manufactured in TGA, GMP and NSF-approved facilities.

Our Customers

Our customers range from mums, dads, fitness professionals and everyday people to the elite sporting world, including Chelsea Football Club, Florida Gators NCAA University Men’s Basketball and the Clean Health Fitness Institute.

So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a busy mum running around after the kids, getting started in fitness, or an athlete looking to achieve peak performance; our supplements will help you!

Our Products

Many supplements are unregulated, filled with nasties, fillers, and other ‘surprises’
that put profits before quality, which we simply refuse to do.

We’ve ensured that all our supplements are manufactured per the HACCP food safety management system, meaning they’re listed according to TGA requirements (Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration), which has the strictest regulatory standards in the World.

We focus on products that optimise and enhance the following key areas:

Using the Latest Science to
Create World Leading Supplements for

Health, Wellness, Fat Loss, and Athletic Performance

Medical Grade


TGA Approved



Look and feel-good
starting today!

In sed feugiat lacus, in
sagittis libero. Donec
males uada quis mi
eu semper erat.



Build muscle and get
stronger today!

In sed feugiat lacus, in
sagittis libero. Donec
males uada quis mi
eu semper erat.

What Our

Customers Say.